Narrabri businesses and organisations came together to promote National Road Safety Week in May.

An event was held at the Narrabri Region Visitor Information Centre to raise awareness about the importance of safer driving.

The local initiative was spearheaded by Narrabri and North West Training’s Louise Tout.

Following the debut event held in Narrabri, Louise hopes to mark National Road Safety Week in Narrabri annually.

“My passion for driving safely comes from my industrial experience,” she told the gathering at the information centre.

Louise recalled some sobering statistics to encourage people to heed the road safety message.

In regional areas, an estimated 70 per cent of fatalities are people known in the community – family members, friends and colleagues.

Louise said sharing the road safety message was about education and awareness.

National Road Safety Week is a nationwide effort to champion safe road practices and honour those impacted by road trauma.

This year was the 11th time the campaign has been held nationally.

Recent statistics underscore the urgent need for heightened road safety awareness with the death count rising on Australian roads.

In 2023 alone, Australia witnessed a 7.3 per cent increase in road deaths to 1266 deaths and around 40,000 people hospitalised with injuries due to road crashes.

These aren’t just numbers; they are lives forever altered, dreams unfulfilled, and families left shattered by grief.

The inception of National Road Safety Week can be traced back to Peter Frazer OAM of Safer Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH) Group, who initiated this campaign following the tragic loss of his 23-year-old daughter killed by a distracted truck driver in 2012.

Now in its 11th year, this movement enjoys widespread support from governmental bodies at all levels, key road safety organisations, and corporate partners.

Peter Frazer expressed his gratitude for everyone involved.

“Whether it’s the local council, state government or Commonwealth bodies, everyone plays a vital role in safeguarding our citizens,” he said.

“However, the collective responsibility lies with us all. National Road Safety Week prompts Australians to reflect on their driving habits and commit to ‘Drive So Others Survive!’

“We urge all drivers, passengers, and road users to pledge their commitment to road safety at, so that we can ensure that everyone gets home safe to their loved ones, every day with no exceptions!

“It is intolerable that so many lives are lost each year; that so many of our fellow Australians are killed or seriously injured in what are completely avoidable circumstances.

“It’s imperative that we unite to make our roads safer, as every death or serious injury is one too many.”

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