Eleven members of the Willala CWA branch had morning tea with the residents of the Boggabri Multi Purpose Service on Wednesday morning prior to discussing 2019 country of study.

Pam Phillips told those present that Papua New Guinea is the country for 2019 and that it is a country of immense cultural and biological diversity, it’s known for its beaches and coral reefs.

Inland are active volcanoes, dense rainforest and hiking routes like the Kokoda Trail.

There are also traditional tribal villages, many with their own languages and multiple flags.

Mrs Phillips displayed a handmade bilum bag.

A bilum is a string bag made by hand in Papua New Guinea.

Traditionally, the string used was handmade, normally from plant materials.

Small bags are used for carrying their food and other personal items however mothers often carry their babies and other precious cargo in larger bilums.

Women tie their bilums around their foreheads to maximise their strength and for better balance when transporting a heavy load.

Much to the delight and interest of the residents Willala CWA members displayed some of their handcraft.

Robyn Watson had a scarf that she had spun and for which she had dyed the wool prior to knitting as well as a silk scarf that she had woven on a loom.

Jan Donaldson displayed a rug that she is knitting for her grandchildren, while May Boxsell modelled a cardigan that she had knitted with a beautiful multi-coloured parrot on the back.

Mrs Boxsell also displayed a colourful rug that she is making from knitted squares.

Cecily Maxwell showed the premature baby hats and booties which she has just finished knitting and the beanie she is currently knitting for cancer patients.

Gloria Reading proudly displayed a crochet rug that her daughter-in-law who lives overseas had made for her.

Not only were there interesting things to look at and learn but long term friendships were renewed.

Gloria Reading and Cecily Maxwell were neighbours for 62 years while living at Willala and Fay Sanderson and Colin Sims attended the same church many years ago.

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