Narrabri local Kate Clancy performed at the Narrabri Pony Camp recently and impressed the crowd with her ‘K Clancy Horsemanship’ show.

The show was performed in front of an audience of special needs and aged care facility spectators, who arrived in three buses, as well as the two youngest Narrabri Pony Camp troops.

The performance involved Clancy and her two horses Fin and Mate.

Fin and Mate are never forced into any tricks but instead Clancy told the crowd the two horses love performing.

The whip Clancy carries is to expand her sound repertoire to indicate to Fin and Mate what is coming next.

Narrabri Pony Club president Steve Falkiner said a show like Clancy’s is important for the kids at the camp.

“She trains horses so its good for the kids,” he said.

“It’s great for the kids to see what she can do with the animals just with different touches.

“And she was wrapped to perform in front of that crowd.

“She said it nearly made her cry, just to see the faces of all the people there.”

The performance was followed by a meet and greet, with the crowd given the chance to say hello to the stars of the show.

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