Narrabri Shire mayor Darrell Tiemens led the proceedings at Tuesday’s pathology protest meeting.

“We have a sense of urgency and determination, because our community faces a critical challenge,” Cr Tiemens said in his opening address.

“The proposed changes to pathology services at Narrabri Hospital are not just a bureaucratic adjustment – they are a direct threat to the health and wellbeing of our community.

“Let’s be clear, pathology services are the foundation upon which modern healthcare is built,” Cr Tiemens said.

“Every diagnosis, every treatment plan, every emergency response depends on timely and accurate test results.

“Without them, we are flying blind. “The proposal to move these essential services away from Narrabri is not just misguided, it is unacceptable.

“We deserve the best possible healthcare, right here at home.

“Our families, our children, our elderly parents depend on the reliability and speed of local pathology services.

“Delaying test results by sending them to Moree or elsewhere is not just inconvenient – it is dangerous. It is a gamble with our health that we cannot afford to take.

“Think about the dedicated professionals who work in our pathology laboratory.

“These are not just employees – they are our neighbours, our friends.

“Their expertise, their commitment, is invaluable.

“Losing these jobs means losing a part of the heart and soul of our community.

“It means undermining the economic stability that allows Narrabri to thrive.

“But this is about more than jobs and test results,” Cr Tiemens said.

“This is about fairness.

“It’s about ensuring that rural and remote communities like ours have the same access to quality healthcare as those in big cities.

“It’s about standing up and saying that we will not be treated as second-class citizens.

“We have been kept in the dark, with decisions made behind closed doors, without consulting the very people these changes will affect the most.

“This lack of transparency, this disregard for our voices, goes against the very principles of our public health system.

“And let’s talk about patient care.

“Delays in diagnostics can turn a manageable condition into a life-threatening crisis.

“Delays can mean the difference between life and death.

“Our ability to respond to emergencies – whether it’s a snake bite, a severe allergic reaction, or a complicated childbirth – depends on having immediate access to comprehensive pathology services.

“We cannot afford to compromise on this.

“Moreover, reducing our services here will not just impact Narrabri.

“It will ripple out to surrounding towns like Pilliga, Wee Waa, and Boggabri.

“It will place an unsustainable burden on neighbouring hospitals and stretch our ambulance services to the breaking point.

“This is a regional issue, and it requires a regional solution.

“The economic impact is profound. Healthcare services are a cornerstone of our local economy,” the mayor said.

“Businesses, large and small, rely on the presence of a strong, functioning hospital.

“The CSIRO, agricultural enterprises, and other major organisations expect and demand that we have the infrastructure to support their operations. We cannot let them down.

“We must stand united and resolute. We must demand that our pathology services remain in Narrabri, fully supported and fully operational.

“We must fight for the health of our community, for the jobs of our neighbours, for the fairness and equity that every Australian deserves.

“Together, we can make our voices heard. Together, we can protect our hospital, our community, our future.

“Let us rise to this challenge with the determination and spirit that defines Narrabri. Let us show that we will not be silenced, that we will not be ignored.

“Let’s stand together to safeguard the health of our community.”

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