“I was intrigued to see Tuesday’s Thumbs Down item about the signage on the Namoi River bridge and the Narrabri Creek bridge,” a correspondent says.

“I was in Narrabri for the rugby reunion – I haven’t been back here for more than 20 years but the sign saying ‘Namoi River’ is still there on the bridge over a dry river bed as it was then.

“I agree it must be time to think about a more appropriate sign.

“The fact is the ‘Namoi’ is dry and the creek is carrying a lot of water.

“Thousands of interstate travellers must find it a bit strange when they see the Namoi River sign.

“This is the Namoi River, one of the most important waterways in NSW.

“Switching the signs over – ‘creek to river’ is a simple way to correct this anomaly.

“I don’t know what the legal issues are – maybe something around riparian rights, perhaps.

“If the Namoi sign across a dry bed is to stay as it is, why not have an annual dry river bed event like the Henley on Todd regatta at Alice Springs?

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