June 1982:

Namoi Environment Group was delighted with public support for the launching of its ‘Adopt a Tree’ scheme at the Narrabri Flora and Fauna Reserve on Saturday.

A large crowd gathered at the reserve and a total of 50 trees were planted by representatives of community, commercial and government organisations and family groups during the afternoon.

Namoi Environment Group president Rodney Aldis spoke of the Year of the Tree as an opportunity to consider the sort of world we want to live in and to take steps to do something about it.

He said by planting trees in the reserve, Narrabri people could help create an attractive place and a home for many kinds of plants and animals.

“Such places can provide areas for quiet recreation and play a valuable role in natural history education,” he said.

Mr Aldis said areas like the Flora and Fauna Reserve were really symbols, reminding people of what could be done to make a better world.

Councillor Margaret Illingworth, who planted the first tree, said she was pleased to be involved with the present scheme, having been chairman of the former Narrabri Municipal Parks and Gardens Committee at a time when many trees were planted in the town.

She congratulated the Namoi Environment Group and the recently formed Namoi Year of the Tree Group on their initiative and wished them every success in the future.

Councillor Harry Illingworth planted a tree on behalf of Member for Barwon, Mr Wal Murray who regretted being unable to attend.

A donation from Mr Murray was also used to purchase and plant a tree on behalf of the Narrabri Sheltered Workshop.

Tree plantings were carried out under the supervision of District Forester, Mr Laurie Duffy and Namoi Environment Group member, Mr David Johns.

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