Above: Future Edu chairman Warwick Moppett, left, with NSW DPI Senior Project Officer, Regional Industry Education Partnerships, Anthony Hollis at the Future Edu information night.

The meeting of Future Edu last week continued the progress of the innovative community group towards encouraging students to embark on STEM subjects – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – leading to careers in technical and scientific areas.

The meeting at CRDC was the first information night held by the group drawing together students, and representatives of Narrabri High School, local government, community organisations and businesses.

Future Edu committee chairman Warwick Moppett said the meeting was designed to inform.

“An encouraging outcome is the keen interest of the mayor Cathy Redding in supporting and assisting in the future,” Mr Moppett said.

“Broadly we aim to link the community and corporate and STEM resources back to our local high schools and primary schools.

“Obvious local examples would be all the research institutions, engineering and water treatment plants at the shire, agricultural technical services and extractive industries.

“Many of the extractive industries undertake air, noise and water monitoring of a scientific nature and their local proximity can motivate students to choose STEM subjects.

“There are career pathways right here.”

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