New National Party Senator, Perin Davey will be officially sworn-in to the 46th Parliament of Australia this week.

“I feel a huge sense of responsibility that I have to be a really strong voice for regional people,” said Ms Davey in an interview with The Courier.

“I’m a bit overwhelmed by what’s in front of me but really hopeful that I do the job justice.”

Ms Davey said her top priority in Canberra will be advocating for people living in regional Australia.

“There are 12 senators in NSW and aside from our Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, who is in Wollongong, the rest are based in and around the Sydney .

“One of my big passions is connectivity.

“We’ve got to provide the services and the infrastructure that makes regional areas an attractive place for private businesses to invest in.”

Ms Davey has a diverse and interesting background including working in the irrigation industry with Murray Irrigation, being a truck-driver, an army reservist and an African safari trail operator.

Ms Davey said she was ‘drawn into’ politics a few years ago after she was criticised by a South Australian politician who didn’t think she would be a suitable appointment for the board of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

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