The problem with the campaign to change the date of Australia Day is that people proposing this just assume it’s inevitable, and they disregard the majority of Australians who have no problem with Australia Day.

Not all Aboriginals even want the date changed.

They don’t all think alike.

Most Australians don’t want to date changed.

If this proposal went to a Referendum, it would fail.

The campaigns in the media do not reflect the sentiment of the wider community.

Sure, Australia Day is Invasion Day to many Aboriginals, that’s their perspective and experience of history, but we can understand and respect that, without disrespecting everyone else’s experience of history which has been quite different.

Why can’t January 26 be both Australia Day and Invasion Day?

Why can’t we have empathy for the Aboriginal history, but by the same token, have empathy and respect for the feelings of the rest of Australia too?

Daniel Peckham, Tamworth

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