More than 40 people attended the ‘What a relief, it’s Rob Carlton’ evening at Baan Baa recently (pre-COVID-19).

The comic relief drought tour was designed to provide an entertaining night out while providing, mental health support, and the opportunity to receive vital health and information about available services for communities struggling with drought.

“It was a great night, very funny, and well attended,” Steve Eather said.

“We provided a free barbecue and the partnering organisations were available to explain their services and Rob was fantastic.

“He came down, walked around and interacted with the crowd,” he said.

Healthwise New England North West were there for people to have their blood pressure, pulse, blood glucose and body-mass-index checked, referrals for medication review and mental health assessment were also available.

There was Rural Financial Councillors in attendance as well as Local Land services to provide information and assistance with

issues regarding livestock, animal welfare, water and land management information.

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