We are all aware that the Narrabri Gas Project is in the final stages of assessment.

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has reviewed the EIS and has stated that “…based on this assessment, the Department considers the project is in the public interest and is approvable…”

Intently I watched the hearings last week that were live streamed by the Independent Planning Commission.

My observations were that, overwhelmingly, those who addressed the commissioners were not from Narrabri, and yet here they were speaking on OUR behalf!

What are we doing as a community if we allow out-of-town activists to have an influence over what industry we can and cannot have in our Shire?

It is up to us to stand up, and speak up for the future of our home town.

If you have an interest in the future of our community, providing investment in the Narrabri businesses and providing increased employment opportunities, then

I urge you to please register your support for the Narrabri Gas Project through the IPC website www.ipcn.nsw.gov.au/have-your-say.

Rob Gilbert, Narrabri

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