With a New Year brings new opportunities, new ideas, a fresh outlook. Last year has finished and closed.

The year 2021 has definitely started.

As we pull down the Christmas tree and find room for the new gifts that we were given.

We may need to remove some things that are no longer used, needed or wanted.

We can hold onto so many items and make space for the things we no longer need, want or value.

But there comes a time where we need to remove some of the old to make room for the new.

Just as we make room for the physical things we own.

We can also make room in our minds for the new.

This year will bring new memories, new experiences and new ideas.

We need no reminding that 2020 brought its challenges.

Yes some things from 2020 have already leaked through into 2021.

Many of these are out of our control.

But there are many things we do have control of, that we are able to leave behind.

We need to let go of anything that does not bring value and meaning to our life.

Last year’s hurts are last years, don’t hold onto them and bring them into 2021.

We have a new opportunity to clear out the old to make room to house the new.

In John’s account of Jesus’ life in the Bible, Jesus said: “I have came to bring life, and life to the fullest.”

As you begin your new year and look for new opportunities, find sometime to see what no longer holds value in your thought life, what no longer brings joy, and make a decision to let it go.

Just like we remove an item on our shelf or in our cupboard to create space.

It allows us to fill the spot with an item we value.

When we remove a hurt, offence or thought that no longer brings us joy from our mind, it allows us to fill the spot with a new thought that we value and that brings us joy.

Pastor Travis Lions, Thrive Church (formerly Christian Outreach Centre).

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