With students returning to schools across the shire this week, drivers have been reminded to slow down in school zones.

Tara McCarthy, deputy secretary of safety, environment and regulation at Transport for NSW said school zones are back in operation and are clearly marked with flashing lights and school zone signs.

“Children are some of our most vulnerable pedestrians and their safety should be everyone’s top priority,” she said.

Ms McCarthy said school zones are generally in place from 8 to 9.30am and from 2.30 to 4pm, and motorists who don’t obey the rules face heavy fines and demerit points.

“I urge drivers to remain vigilant in school zones by sticking to the speed limit and obeying the rules. Please be particularly careful around bus stops, school crossings and kiss and ride zones where children are often present in higher numbers,” she said.

“When bus lights flash, it is vital everyone slows down to 40kmh because this means a bus is picking up or dropping off children.

“Just a couple of kilometres over the speed limit could be the difference between being able to stop in time or not at all.”

In addition to speeding offences, which attract fines and demerit points, additional penalties include:

Disobeying a ‘no parking’ sign, $201 fine and two demerit points.

Child or passenger not restrained, $362 fine and three demerit points.

Driver using a mobile phone, $481 fine and five demerit points. Drivers are reminded to talk, text or view a phone while driving a vehicle.

Stopping or parking in a ‘no stopping’ zone, $362 fine and two demerit points.

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