The book of Luke is the gospel that shares the most detail around the birth of Jesus, and the only account that shares the story of the shepherds who came to visit Jesus at birth.

Shepherds were considered the lowest in society, yet they were chosen as the first witnesses to the birth of Jesus Christ, an event that carries profound significance.

In those times, shepherds were regarded with suspicion and often ostracised from society. They lived solitary lives, away from the townspeople, enduring the elements alongside their flocks.

Being a shepherd was not a job you shoot for, but a job you ended up with. Because they were always in the fields looking after their flocks, shepherds were generally unable to be a part of religious rituals and were excluded from regular religious devotion. Their testimonies were not even considered valid in a court of law.

Yet amazingly, it was to the shepherds that the angel of the Lord appeared, to tell them about the birth of Jesus, the Saviour.

The shepherds, despite their lowly status, were entrusted with the first announcement of this pivotal moment.

Their immediate reaction was one of urgency and joy. They left their flocks and hurried to Bethlehem to go and see the newborn child lying in a manger.

This act of faith and obedience is a powerful testament to their character and the significance of the message they received.

After the shepherds visit Jesus, they became the first evangelists, spreading the news of Jesus’ birth with enthusiasm and conviction.

We can be encouraged by the nativity story, in that the Lord extends His grace to all, no matter your social status, position or authority.

It is a story that reminds us that extraordinary things can happen to ordinary people in the most unexpected places and to the most unlikely people.

The faith, joy, and dedication shown by those who were included in the birth of Jesus, shows us God is not after the size of your gift, but the position of your heart.

I trust you will celebrate the birth of Jesus in church this Christmas.

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