Residents of Wee Waa and surrounding areas recently provided feedback on health services through a community survey. The survey received 327 responses and has now closed.

The survey aims to identify local priorities and any barriers to accessing healthcare in Wee Waa. This encompasses general practices, public health services, allied health, mental health, and Aboriginal health services.

The survey was conducted by the Wee Waa Collaborative Care Project Group to support the general health needs of the community. This project is facilitated by Rural Doctors Network (RDN) with support from the NSW Ministry of Health and local partners.

Justyn Walker, collaborative care program lead for RDN, said the survey was a chance for people to have their say on the services that support them.

“It’s important to hear from the community about their healthcare needs. This includes any barriers they may be facing to accessing care,” said Mr Walker.

“This information can be used in future planning and to support those in the community who may be more vulnerable. “The survey will also show us if people need more information on how to access services.”

The survey also recorded a significant number of comments relating to Wee Waa Hospital. This feedback will be passed on to the NSW Minister of Health, Hunter New England Health, Roy Butler MP, and the Wee Waa Hospital Working Group.

“We would like to thank every person in the community who took the time to respond to the survey,” said Mr Walker.

The results of the community survey will be available early in 2025.

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