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Author: Blake Jarrett

Topical 7/1/21

The start of a new year is always a time for optimism and there is lots to be encouraged by. But predicting the future is tricky. As economist John Kenneth Galbraith famously said ‘There are two kinds of forecasters –...

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Topical 7/1/21

While the Chinese communist government is evidently trying to destroy the Australian economy, the Chinese populace is more focused on self improvement. The Economist newspaper reports that self help books are high on the Chinese...

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Thumbs down 7/1/21

Drivers in Narrabri’s main street are very polite and give way to pedestrians at the roundabouts. This has been very evident over the Christmas period when visitors to town stop to let people go across. But this causes traffic...

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Looking forward to a better year

The transition to a New Year may have been accompanied by some sense of relief that 2020 was finally over and done with, but no amount of wistful or wishful thinking that a return to what many commentators have called...

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