One good thing to come out of the COVID-19 crisis has been the time the Red Cross ladies and their friends have been spending knitting.

As a result Red Cross Narrabri now has an abundance of throws, beanies and scarves.

On Monday Red Cross was able to donate a quantity of each of the above to Donna MacMillan to distribute to needy elderly people on the Meals On Wheels run who would appreciate them.

Donna called at Kath Davis’ home and chose a selection some of which would be suitable for either men or women.

As well as donating an assortment of throws, scarves and beanies to Meals On Wheels, the Red Cross ladies and friends have also donated a variety of the same to the Whiddon Group for the use of residents.

These were gladly received by Cathy Johnston on behalf of the Whiddon Group on Monday morning when Kath Davis and Judy Michell accompanied the president to make the donation.

Narrabri Red Cross is a small but industrious group and once again are out there helping those in need in the community.

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