Saturday night’s Lodge Namoi Debutante Ball was again a gala occasion, a highlight of the year and a much anticipated event for the debs and their partners.

Nine debs were presented to Right Worshipful Brother Rob Jackson.

The night was again a major success, said MC for the evening Worshipful Brother Joab Rushton, with debutantes, their partners and families enjoying the popular traditional ball which has been held for more than four decades – sometimes with two events in the same year to accommodate the number of girls making their debut.

Debs and their partners were Alexandra Bennett and Issac Ballangarry, Olivia Johnson and Seamus Hunt, Laine Lindsay and Joshua Briggs, Zara Bennett and Colby Davies, Lana Parkes and Riley Dickinson, Ella Parish and Matthew Penberthy, Grace Mor and Charlie Thomson, Emily Redman and Karl Schlack, Lauren Brown and Ben Thomson. Matron of honour was Mandy Brown, with page boy Campbell Rushton and flower girl Molly Foster.

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