Last year Narrabri resident Katie Polsoni set out to create a friendly, supportive and informal, free weekly get together to entertain, encourage and inform over 50s community members.

The group, launched in May, she called ‘Polished Silver’, and it has been running very successfully ever since regularly drawing up to 30 people each Thursday.

“People look forward to it, it’s free to attend, I provide morning tea and lunch – it’s a get-together which adds much to older people’s lives,”said Katie.

Where did the name ‘Polished Silver’ come from?

“I believe that when you are over 50 you’re more polished and refined – and some men are very polished on top while others are more silver, hence the name Polished Silver,” Katie explained.

The group is a valuable part of the community but has now encountered a difficulty which Katie and her supporters hope someone will help them resolve.

Costs are rising everywhere.

“The hire on the venue we have been using has been $20 per week,” Katie said.

“We have now been told that venue hire is going to rise to $200 per week from the end of January.

“Polished Silver is a free, not-for- profit community group. I am happy to provide morning tea and lunch and other inputs at my own expense, but this is a huge rent increase.

“We really need someone – an individual or organisation, club or other body to help us with a new, affordable home,” said Katie.

Polished Silver has developed into an important and valued community group.

“We promote and encourage connection and socialisation,”said Katie.

“Polished Silver’s aim is to enhance quality of life by connecting people within the community through dedicated, positive social interaction in an attempt to combat loneliness, isolation, depression and suicidal idealisation with in the over 50s, as well as address any social, physical, emotional, mental needs that may be discovered.

“We are an inclusive group which welcomes anyone over the age of 50 regardless of social, financial, cultural, health, cognitive or disabled status,” she adds.

“Each week we hold different entertaining activities, such as trivia fun days, bingo, arts and crafts, group games days, as well as monthly theme party type days such as 1920s, country and western, 50s rock and roll, Polished Silver Melbourne Cup, just to name a few.

“Every week morning tea and lunch is provided free of charge to all attendees and their carers

“For those experiencing financial hardship, meals are also sent home with those who attend.

“Meals are also taken to those who are unwell.

“In the last eight months Polished Silver has grown from four people attending to average 25-30 each week and up to 42,” said Katie.

Now the group is urgently looking for a new meeting venue which has a kitchen – and ideally, air conditioning for a few hours on Thursdays each week.

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