Agribusiness Nutrien Ag Solutions has announced the launch of its graduate program to address the changing skill sets required by the Australian agriculture industry.

Nutrien Ag Solutions managing director Rob Clayton said the organisation is recruiting for the future of agriculture.

“For too long agriculture has been represented as an industry with laid-back male farmers who fix fences and move stock from one paddock to the next – this does not represent the modern agriculture industry.

“Ag is a dynamic high-tech business and our farmers are on a continual search for improvement,” Mr Clayton said.

He said the nature of jobs in the agriculture industry was also changing.

“We still recruit the traditional roles of agronomists and livestock agents, but we are also looking for data analysts and web developers,” Mr Clayton said.

“The advancements in technology are staggering.

“Our agronomists are now using satellite technology to assess crops, and they are using data, research and science to inform their decisions and recommendations for farmers.

“To meet the challenge of producing more food and fibre with less pressure on our natural resources, agriculture’s adoption of new technology and innovation is critical.

“With this rise of technology, now is the perfect time to educate people for the jobs of the future in agriculture.”

Nutrien Ag Solutions talent attraction and sourcing manager Rose Climaco said they are excited to broaden the pool of people they can attract into agriculture through the agribusiness and agronomy graduate programs.

“Earlier this year we launched our very first IT graduate program, and now we have additional graduate agribusiness graduate opportunities covering areas like finance, procurement and supply chain, to sit alongside our traditional agronomy, livestock and wool programs,” Mrs Climaco said.

Mrs Climaco said they are hoping to attract a new generation of tech savvy problem solvers.

“Recognised as an essential industry, agriculture has a great career value proposition – as many other industries are contracting, agriculture is thriving.

“The biggest misconception is that you need to be raised on a farm to be involved in the ag industry – that’s not true, there’s room for everyone in agriculture,” Mrs Climaco said.

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